jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

evaluación diagnostica


Cuadro S-P-A

(cuadro de evaluación diagnóstica)

What I know

What I would like to learn

What I have learnt

Othello mata a Dessemona

Desdemona era muy joven

Othello era moro

Yago envidiaba a Othello

¿Cómo era la vida de la mujer en la época Shakespereana?

¿Pór que la envidia y los celos de Yago?

¿Pór que se trasladan a la isla?

Las mujeres eran propiedad de los padre y luego de los esposos

La envidia y los celos siguen siendo los motivos de violencia en las relaciones interpersonales

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Murder - Violence - Jealousy

Read the following article about a passionate murder.
Why do you think that the love-story ended in two horrible deaths?
Find similarities and differences with "Othello".

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

To love someone

Watch the following video and tell us what were your first impressions as regards the love a man can feel for a woman. Do you think that to love someone so deeply can lead us to do unbelievable things? like?


This is Shakespeare's portrait, what can you tell us about his life? Is there any personal aspect that could have influenced his writings?

England XV Century

The following is a map of Europe in the XV Century, please, locate England and then search on the web for an up-dated map and explain if there were any changes as regards borders and frontiers